Annual Monetary Studies Conference

Title Author Year Conference Download

Currency crisis vulnerability: the case of the ECCU

  • Marquez, Natasha
  • James, Karen

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The rate of time preference, the intertemporal utility function and regional economic management

  • Kendall, Patrick

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Monetary and fiscal policies under floating and fixed exchange regime

  • Jones-Hendrickson, Simon

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Financial liberalisation and exchange rate inertia in Trinidad and Tobago

  • Henry, Lester

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A currency union for the Caribbean

  • Worrell, DeLisle

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Current account dynamics and real effective exchange rate: the Jamaican experience

  • Henry, Chandar
  • Longmore, Rohan

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Human resources development and the services sector in the Eastern Caribbean

  • Downes, Andrew S.

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Election induced fiscal and monetary cycles: evidence from the Caribbean

  • Peters, Amos

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Economic growth in a small developing country: the case of Barbados

  • Downes, Andrew S.

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Trade and economic relations between the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and the Central American Common Market (CACM)

  • Nicholls, Shelton
  • Samuel, Garnett
  • Colthrust, Philip
  • Boodoo, Earl

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Production and unemployment cycles in the Caribbean: the case of Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago

  • Craigwell, Roland
  • Maurin, Alain

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Factor accumulation, technical change and the terms of trade in the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union

  • Nicholls, Garth

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Open source software possibilities for Caribbean researchers

  • Clarke, Christopher Martin

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The impact of cash flow on corporate investment in Trinidad and Tobago

  • Matthias, Rudy
  • Abraham, Allisha

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Monetary dynamics in Jamaica 1976-1998: a structural cointegrating VAR approach

  • Watson, Patrick Kent

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Information, information management and governance

  • Busby, Lancelot A.

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Is monetary union in CARICOM desirable?

  • Manioc, Oliver
  • Montauban, Jean Gabriel

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A long run analysis of the price dynamics in Guadeloupe: theoretical and empirical consideration

  • Borda, Patrice
  • Maurin, Alain
  • Montauban, Jean Gabriel

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Information efficiency and non-linear modelling of returns in an emerging stock market in the Caribbean

  • Leon, Hyginus
  • Noel, Dorian
  • Nicholls, Shelton

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A VAR approach to the determination of interest rates in the Caribbean

  • Kendall, Patrick

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    Caribbean Economic Research Team
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